MY Signature Starter Set

MYLAQ MY Signature Starter Set

Du wünschst dir eine strahlend schöne UV Maniküre, die deinen ganz persönlichen Stil widerspiegelt? Die schnell geht und mindestens drei Wochen hält? Mit dem MY Signature Starter Set von MYLAQ kannst du dir nicht nur zwei UV Nagellacke in deinen liebsten Farben aussuchen, du hast gleichzeitig alles zur Hand, was du für deinen ganz individuellen Look brauchst! Von der UV/LED Lampe über Polierblock und Feile bis hin zum 2in1 MY Base/Top – mit diesem Starter Set kannst du richtig kreativ werden. Hol dir deine Grundausstattung nach Hause und verleihe deiner UV Maniküre eine ganz persönliche Note. Du strahlst in deinen Farben – mit dem MY Signature Starter Set!

34,99 €
3-4 Werktagen
Kategorie: MY SETS
Katalog nummer: M834x
EAN: 5904553608674


MY Signature Starter Set von MYLAQ

Verleihe deiner Persönlichkeit Farbe – und kreiere deinen ganz individuellen Look! Mit dem MY Signature Starter Set hast du alles zur Hand, was du für eine strahlend schöne UV Maniküre brauchst. Zaubere dir im Handumdrehen splitter- und kratzfeste Nägel – mit zwei Farben deiner Wahl!

Das MY Signature Starter Set erleichtert dir deinen Start in die Welt der unkomplizierten UV Maniküre. Um deine Nägel perfekt für den UV Nagellack vorzubereiten, findest du in dem Set alle nötigen Accessoires – von einer Nagelfeile über Zelletten und einem Polierblock bis hin zu Holzstäbchen und Nagel Cleaner. Der 2in1 MY Base/Top sorgt nicht nur für einen lang lanhaltenden Farbglanz, sondern auch für einen extralangen Halt. Such dir zwei UV Nagellacke in deinen liebsten Farben aus – und zaubere dir einen Look, der deinen individuellen Stil widerspiegelt!


Das findest du deinem MY Signature Starter Set:

  • 2 UV Nagellacke, 5 ml nach Wahl
  • MY Base/Top 2in1
  • UV/LED Lampe 10W
  • Nagel Cleaner 50 ml
  • UV Nagellackentferner- Aceton 50 ml
  • Polierblock
  • Nagelfeile
  • Holzstäbchen 10 St.
  • Zelletten 48. St

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Wähle ein Produkt
Wähle ein Produkt #1
Wähle ein Produkt
Wähle ein Produkt #2
wähle ein produkt #1
UV Nagellack My Red Velvet
UV Nagellack My Red Velvet
UV Nagellack My Valentine’s Day
UV Nagellack My Valentine’s Day
UV Nagellack My Forest Fruits
UV Nagellack My Forest Fruits
UV Nagellack My Glass of Wine
UV Nagellack My Glass of Wine
UV Nagellack My Sweet Marmolade
UV Nagellack My Sweet Marmolade
UV Nagellack My Kylie Thing
UV Nagellack My Kylie Thing
UV Nagellack My Creamy Peach
UV Nagellack My Creamy Peach
UV Nagellack My Candy Floss
UV Nagellack My Candy Floss
UV Nagellack My Blush Tone
UV Nagellack My Blush Tone
UV Nagellack My Sweet Kiss
UV Nagellack My Sweet Kiss
UV Nagellack My Sparkling Galaxy
UV Nagellack My Sparkling Galaxy
UV Nagellack My Green Dragon
UV Nagellack My Green Dragon
UV Nagellack My Favourite Jeans
UV Nagellack My Favourite Jeans
UV Nagellack My Sailorman
UV Nagellack My Sailorman
UV Nagellack My Mr.Grey
UV Nagellack My Mr.Grey
UV Nagellack My Plum Jam
UV Nagellack My Plum Jam
UV Nagellack My Lavender Fields
UV Nagellack My Lavender Fields
UV Nagellack My Radiant Orchid
UV Nagellack My Radiant Orchid
UV Nagellack My Hot Magenta
UV Nagellack My Hot Magenta
UV Nagellack My Pink Tulips
UV Nagellack My Pink Tulips
UV Nagellack My Pink Marshmallow
UV Nagellack My Pink Marshmallow
UV Nagellack My Fave Lipstick
UV Nagellack My Fave Lipstick
UV Nagellack My Unicorn Dream
UV Nagellack My Unicorn Dream
UV Nagellack My Nailfie
UV Nagellack My Nailfie
UV Nagellack My Outfit of the Day
UV Nagellack My Outfit of the Day
UV Nagellack My Roasted Chestnut
UV Nagellack My Roasted Chestnut
UV Nagellack My Apple Pie
UV Nagellack My Apple Pie
UV Nagellack My Chokeberry Tea
UV Nagellack My Chokeberry Tea
UV Nagellack My Rising Sun
UV Nagellack My Rising Sun
UV Nagellack My Spring Flower
UV Nagellack My Spring Flower
UV Nagellack My Glamour Trend
UV Nagellack My Glamour Trend
UV Nagellack My Basic Look
UV Nagellack My Basic Look
UV Nagellack My Casual Style
UV Nagellack My Casual Style
UV Nagellack My Mild Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Mild Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Fresh Peppermint
UV Nagellack My Fresh Peppermint
UV Nagellack My Sensitive Peony
UV Nagellack My Sensitive Peony
UV Nagellack My Cute Lilac
UV Nagellack My Cute Lilac
UV Nagellack My Calmy Hyacinth
UV Nagellack My Calmy Hyacinth
UV Nagellack My Tasty Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Tasty Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack MY Fresh Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack MY Fresh Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack MY Flavourful Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack MY Flavourful Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Ocean Breeze
UV Nagellack My Ocean Breeze
UV Nagellack My Fresh Lemonade
UV Nagellack My Fresh Lemonade
UV Nagellack My Pink Glasses
UV Nagellack My Pink Glasses
UV Nagellack My Sweet Milkshake
UV Nagellack My Sweet Milkshake
UV Nagellack MY Dark Chocolate
UV Nagellack MY Dark Chocolate
UV Nagellack MY Hot Macchiato
UV Nagellack MY Hot Macchiato
UV Nagellack My Ruby Cocoa
UV Nagellack My Ruby Cocoa
UV Nagellack MY Sweet Cappuccino
UV Nagellack MY Sweet Cappuccino
UV Nagellack MY Winter Evening
UV Nagellack MY Winter Evening
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Blue
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Blue
UV Nagellack My Creamy Pudding
UV Nagellack My Creamy Pudding
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Rose
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Rose
UV Nagellack MY Warm Wine
UV Nagellack MY Warm Wine
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Gold
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Gold
UV Nagellack My Energy Cocktail
UV Nagellack My Energy Cocktail
UV Nagellack My April Sky
UV Nagellack My April Sky
UV Nagellack My Ice Cream
UV Nagellack My Ice Cream
UV Nagellack My Nude Mood
UV Nagellack My Nude Mood
UV Nagellack My Sandy Beach
UV Nagellack My Sandy Beach
UV Nagellack My Sunny Greeting
UV Nagellack My Sunny Greeting
UV Nagellack MY First Kiss
UV Nagellack MY First Kiss
UV Nagellack MY Burning Fire
UV Nagellack MY Burning Fire
UV Nagellack MY Deep Love
UV Nagellack MY Deep Love
UV Nagellack MY Deep Rouge
UV Nagellack MY Deep Rouge
UV Nagellack MY Light Rose
UV Nagellack MY Light Rose
UV Nagellack MY Pale Blush
UV Nagellack MY Pale Blush
UV Nagellack MY Blue Dots
UV Nagellack MY Blue Dots
UV Nagellack My Grey Dots
UV Nagellack My Grey Dots
UV Nagellack My Pink Dots
UV Nagellack My Pink Dots
UV Nagellack My Spicy Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Spicy Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Nothing On
UV Nagellack My Nothing On
UV Nagellack My Last Party
UV Nagellack My Last Party
UV Nagellack My Fatal Poison
UV Nagellack My Fatal Poison
UV Nagellack My Unforgettable Night
UV Nagellack My Unforgettable Night
UV Nagellack My Hazy Memory
UV Nagellack My Hazy Memory
UV Nagellack My Classy Nude
UV Nagellack My Classy Nude
UV Nagellack My Classy Cappuccino
UV Nagellack My Classy Cappuccino
UV Nagellack My Classy Burgundy
UV Nagellack My Classy Burgundy
UV Nagellack My Classy Shining Burgundy
UV Nagellack My Classy Shining Burgundy
UV Nagellack My Classy Shiny Ink
UV Nagellack My Classy Shiny Ink
UV Nagellacke My Modern Green
UV Nagellacke My Modern Green
UV Nagellacke My Modern Graphite
UV Nagellacke My Modern Graphite
UV NagellackeMy Modern Pink
UV NagellackeMy Modern Pink
UV Nagellack My Modern Nude
UV Nagellack My Modern Nude
UV Nagellack My Modern Fuchsia
UV Nagellack My Modern Fuchsia
UV Nagellack My Modern Blue
UV Nagellack My Modern Blue
UV Nagellack My Blue Flakes
UV Nagellack My Blue Flakes
UV Nagellack My Lilac Flakes
UV Nagellack My Lilac Flakes
UV Nagellack My Pink Flakes
UV Nagellack My Pink Flakes
UV Nagellack My Milky Flakes
UV Nagellack My Milky Flakes
UV Nagellack My Delicate Promise
UV Nagellack My Delicate Promise
UV Nagellack My Rosy Promise
UV Nagellack My Rosy Promise
UV Nagellack My Pinky Promise
UV Nagellack My Pinky Promise
UV Nagellack My Peachy Promise
UV Nagellack My Peachy Promise
UV Nagellack My Minty Promise
UV Nagellack My Minty Promise
UV Nagellack My Bluish Promise
UV Nagellack My Bluish Promise
UV Nagellack My Sparkly Promise
UV Nagellack My Sparkly Promise
wähle ein produkt #2
UV Nagellack My Red Velvet
UV Nagellack My Red Velvet
UV Nagellack My Valentine’s Day
UV Nagellack My Valentine’s Day
UV Nagellack My Forest Fruits
UV Nagellack My Forest Fruits
UV Nagellack My Glass of Wine
UV Nagellack My Glass of Wine
UV Nagellack My Sweet Marmolade
UV Nagellack My Sweet Marmolade
UV Nagellack My Kylie Thing
UV Nagellack My Kylie Thing
UV Nagellack My Creamy Peach
UV Nagellack My Creamy Peach
UV Nagellack My Candy Floss
UV Nagellack My Candy Floss
UV Nagellack My Blush Tone
UV Nagellack My Blush Tone
UV Nagellack My Sweet Kiss
UV Nagellack My Sweet Kiss
UV Nagellack My Sparkling Galaxy
UV Nagellack My Sparkling Galaxy
UV Nagellack My Green Dragon
UV Nagellack My Green Dragon
UV Nagellack My Favourite Jeans
UV Nagellack My Favourite Jeans
UV Nagellack My Sailorman
UV Nagellack My Sailorman
UV Nagellack My Mr.Grey
UV Nagellack My Mr.Grey
UV Nagellack My Plum Jam
UV Nagellack My Plum Jam
UV Nagellack My Lavender Fields
UV Nagellack My Lavender Fields
UV Nagellack My Radiant Orchid
UV Nagellack My Radiant Orchid
UV Nagellack My Hot Magenta
UV Nagellack My Hot Magenta
UV Nagellack My Pink Tulips
UV Nagellack My Pink Tulips
UV Nagellack My Pink Marshmallow
UV Nagellack My Pink Marshmallow
UV Nagellack My Fave Lipstick
UV Nagellack My Fave Lipstick
UV Nagellack My Unicorn Dream
UV Nagellack My Unicorn Dream
UV Nagellack My Nailfie
UV Nagellack My Nailfie
UV Nagellack My Outfit of the Day
UV Nagellack My Outfit of the Day
UV Nagellack My Roasted Chestnut
UV Nagellack My Roasted Chestnut
UV Nagellack My Apple Pie
UV Nagellack My Apple Pie
UV Nagellack My Chokeberry Tea
UV Nagellack My Chokeberry Tea
UV Nagellack My Rising Sun
UV Nagellack My Rising Sun
UV Nagellack My Spring Flower
UV Nagellack My Spring Flower
UV Nagellack My Glamour Trend
UV Nagellack My Glamour Trend
UV Nagellack My Basic Look
UV Nagellack My Basic Look
UV Nagellack My Casual Style
UV Nagellack My Casual Style
UV Nagellack My Mild Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Mild Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Fresh Peppermint
UV Nagellack My Fresh Peppermint
UV Nagellack My Sensitive Peony
UV Nagellack My Sensitive Peony
UV Nagellack My Cute Lilac
UV Nagellack My Cute Lilac
UV Nagellack My Calmy Hyacinth
UV Nagellack My Calmy Hyacinth
UV Nagellack My Tasty Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Tasty Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack MY Fresh Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack MY Fresh Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack MY Flavourful Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack MY Flavourful Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Ocean Breeze
UV Nagellack My Ocean Breeze
UV Nagellack My Fresh Lemonade
UV Nagellack My Fresh Lemonade
UV Nagellack My Pink Glasses
UV Nagellack My Pink Glasses
UV Nagellack My Sweet Milkshake
UV Nagellack My Sweet Milkshake
UV Nagellack MY Dark Chocolate
UV Nagellack MY Dark Chocolate
UV Nagellack MY Hot Macchiato
UV Nagellack MY Hot Macchiato
UV Nagellack My Ruby Cocoa
UV Nagellack My Ruby Cocoa
UV Nagellack MY Sweet Cappuccino
UV Nagellack MY Sweet Cappuccino
UV Nagellack MY Winter Evening
UV Nagellack MY Winter Evening
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Blue
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Blue
UV Nagellack My Creamy Pudding
UV Nagellack My Creamy Pudding
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Rose
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Rose
UV Nagellack MY Warm Wine
UV Nagellack MY Warm Wine
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Gold
UV Nagellack MY Gleaming Gold
UV Nagellack My Energy Cocktail
UV Nagellack My Energy Cocktail
UV Nagellack My April Sky
UV Nagellack My April Sky
UV Nagellack My Ice Cream
UV Nagellack My Ice Cream
UV Nagellack My Nude Mood
UV Nagellack My Nude Mood
UV Nagellack My Sandy Beach
UV Nagellack My Sandy Beach
UV Nagellack My Sunny Greeting
UV Nagellack My Sunny Greeting
UV Nagellack MY First Kiss
UV Nagellack MY First Kiss
UV Nagellack MY Burning Fire
UV Nagellack MY Burning Fire
UV Nagellack MY Deep Love
UV Nagellack MY Deep Love
UV Nagellack MY Deep Rouge
UV Nagellack MY Deep Rouge
UV Nagellack MY Light Rose
UV Nagellack MY Light Rose
UV Nagellack MY Pale Blush
UV Nagellack MY Pale Blush
UV Nagellack MY Blue Dots
UV Nagellack MY Blue Dots
UV Nagellack My Grey Dots
UV Nagellack My Grey Dots
UV Nagellack My Pink Dots
UV Nagellack My Pink Dots
UV Nagellack My Spicy Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Spicy Dragon Fruit
UV Nagellack My Nothing On
UV Nagellack My Nothing On
UV Nagellack My Last Party
UV Nagellack My Last Party
UV Nagellack My Fatal Poison
UV Nagellack My Fatal Poison
UV Nagellack My Unforgettable Night
UV Nagellack My Unforgettable Night
UV Nagellack My Hazy Memory
UV Nagellack My Hazy Memory
UV Nagellack My Classy Nude
UV Nagellack My Classy Nude
UV Nagellack My Classy Cappuccino
UV Nagellack My Classy Cappuccino
UV Nagellack My Classy Burgundy
UV Nagellack My Classy Burgundy
UV Nagellack My Classy Shining Burgundy
UV Nagellack My Classy Shining Burgundy
UV Nagellack My Classy Shiny Ink
UV Nagellack My Classy Shiny Ink
UV Nagellacke My Modern Green
UV Nagellacke My Modern Green
UV Nagellacke My Modern Graphite
UV Nagellacke My Modern Graphite
UV NagellackeMy Modern Pink
UV NagellackeMy Modern Pink
UV Nagellack My Modern Nude
UV Nagellack My Modern Nude
UV Nagellack My Modern Fuchsia
UV Nagellack My Modern Fuchsia
UV Nagellack My Modern Blue
UV Nagellack My Modern Blue
UV Nagellack My Blue Flakes
UV Nagellack My Blue Flakes
UV Nagellack My Lilac Flakes
UV Nagellack My Lilac Flakes
UV Nagellack My Pink Flakes
UV Nagellack My Pink Flakes
UV Nagellack My Milky Flakes
UV Nagellack My Milky Flakes
UV Nagellack My Delicate Promise
UV Nagellack My Delicate Promise
UV Nagellack My Rosy Promise
UV Nagellack My Rosy Promise
UV Nagellack My Pinky Promise
UV Nagellack My Pinky Promise
UV Nagellack My Peachy Promise
UV Nagellack My Peachy Promise
UV Nagellack My Minty Promise
UV Nagellack My Minty Promise
UV Nagellack My Bluish Promise
UV Nagellack My Bluish Promise
UV Nagellack My Sparkly Promise
UV Nagellack My Sparkly Promise


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